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Listings for:
COG Bible Hymns by Dwight Armstrong
COG Bible Hymns by Dwight Armstrong
Awake, O Eternal! ................................. 035 - X
Battle Hymn Of The Republic ................ 127 - 292
Behold, The Day Will Come .................. 119 - 194
Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul .........079 - 117
Blessed Is The Nation God Is For .......... 026 - 052
Blest And Happy Is He .......................... 097 - 143
Blest And Happy Is The Man ................. 001 - 023
Blow The Horn, Let Zion Hear! .............. 118 - X
But As For Me, I'll Call On God .......... ... 045 - 072
By The Waters Of Babylon ..................... 103 -149
Come Thou Almighty King ................... 115A - 010
Come, See The Works Of God ............... 036 - 062
Declare His Works To All Nations .......... 009 - 029
Fools Have Said That There Is No God 043 - X
For Even From My Youth, O God ........... 052 - 080
For It Is God Who Orders Life ................. 032 - X
For Thy Law Is Truth and Love .............. 091 - 138
Give Ear to My Prayer, O Lord ............... 108 - 155
Give Ear Unto My Prayer, O God ........... 049 - 075
Give Ear Unto My Words, O Lord ........... 004 - 025
Give Judgment To The King, O God ...... 055 - 081
Give Thanks and Offer Praise ............... 040 - 067
Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken ... 123 - 095
Go Ye Therefore Into All the World ....... 120 - 220
God Is Most Gracious, Kind And Good .. 042 - X
God Is My Rock, My Salvation ............... 050 - 076
God Is Our Refuge (top half of page) .. 098A - 063
God Our Strength And Refuge Is ........... 037 - X
God Speaks To Us ............................... 124 - 230
Hallelujah! Praise God! ........................ 114 - 160
He Shall Reign Forevermore! ................ 078 - X
Hear My Cry, Eternal One ..................... 106 - 154
High On Zion's Holy Hill ....................... 100 - X
His Eyes Behold The Children Of Men . 011 - X
His Mercy Never Fails ........................... 102 - 148
His Name Is Great! ................................ 058 - 084
Holy, MIghty Majesty! ............................ 075 - 108
How Excellent Is Thy Name! .................. 007 - 027
How Good And How Pleasant ............... NIP - 144
How Good It Is To Thank The Lord ........ 071 - 098
How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Lord? .. 013 - X
How Long, Eternal, Hide Thou Away? .. 069 - 097
How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings .............. 065 -092
I Hate The Thoughts Of Vanity .............. 092- X
I Will Sing To The Eternal .................... 116 - 003
If I Have Not Charity .............................. 122 - 242
I'll Sing Of Mercy And Justice ............... 077 - 115
In Distress I Cried Unto The Lord ........... 094 - 139
In His Word Have I Hope ....................... 099 - X
In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust .............. 024 - X
In Thy Lovingkindness, Lord ................. 041 - 068
Joyfully Sing And Praise God! .............. 051 - 078
Let All The Nations Hail Him King! ....... 054 - X
Let Thy Chastening Be In Measure ....... 031 - 056
Let Us Sing To God .............................. 057 - X
Lord You Dealt Well With Me ................ 093 - X
Lord, I Will Praise Thee! ....................... 104 - 150
Lord, Teach Me That I May Know .......... 110 - X
Mine Eyes Upon The Lord ..................... 023 - 049
Mt. Zion Stands Most Beautiful ............. 038 - 066
My God, My God ................................... 018 - X
My Hope Is In His Word (bottom of page) 098 - 147
Nations Give Ear, Both Low And High ... 039 - X
Not Many Wise Men Now Are Called ..... 121 - 237
O Be Merciful To Me .............................. 067 - X
O Bless And Praise God! ...................... 080 - X
O Come And Let Us Worship Him ........... 072 - 102
O Give Thanks And Praise The Eternal! 082 - 124
O Give Thanks Unto Our God ................ 089 - 133
O God, Forsake Me Not ......................... 053 - 079
O God, We Have Heard ......................... 034 - 061
O How Love I Thy Law! ......................... 090 - 136
O Lord Of Hosts, My King, My God! ....... 066 - 093
O Lord, Thou Art My God And King! ...... 109 - 157
O Pity Me, Be Gracious God ................. 047 - X
O That Men Would Praise Their God! ..... 084 -128
O Thou God Of My Salvation ................. 068 -096
O Thou the Shepherd of Israel Art ......... 060 - 086
Onward, Christian Soldiers! ................... 126 -208
Our God Is Good and Upright ................ 021 - 048
Praise Belongs To God! ......................... 088 -132
Praise God's Name! ............................... 101 - 146
Praise The Eternal With A Psalm! .......... 062 - 089
Praise Ye The Lord! .............................. 112 - 164
Praise You The Lord, The Almighty (4 v) 128 - 161
Remember Us, O Eternal ........................ 081 - X
Rest In The Lord .................................... 029 - X
Return Again, O God ............................. 048 - X
Righteous Judge ........ .......................... 033 - 060
Rise And Judge, Eternal One! ................ 064 -091
Save Me, O God, By Thy Great Name .... 044 - 070
Sing Praises And Rejoice! ...................... 074 -106
Sing Songs Of Praise To Him! ................ 063 -090
Sing To The Lord With Cheerful Voice .. 076 - 111
The Day And Night Are Thine ................ 056 - 082
The Heavens God's Glory Do Declare ... 016 - 036
The King Delights, Lord ........................ 015 - X
The Lord Eternal Reigns! ...................... 073 - 103
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Koschat) ....... 019 - 038
The Lord's My Shepherd (bottom of pg) 115B - 039
The Lord's My Shepherd (Crimond) ........ 020 - 040
The Wicked Man .................................... 028 - X
Thee Will I Love, O Lord ........................ 117 - 033
They Are Blest Who Are Forgiven ........... 025 -051
Thou Art Our God Forever ..................... 070 - X
Thou Shepherd That Dost Israel Keep ... 061 - 088
Thy Word, Eternal, Is Truth Evermore ..... 012 - X
To The Eternal I Will Cry ........................ 107 - X
To The Hills I'll Lift Mine Eyes ............... 095 - 140
To Thee I Lift My Soul ........................... 022 - 047
Trust In God And Stand In Awe ............. 003 - 024
Turn, O God, And Save Me ................... 005 - 026
Turn Thou From Evil .............................. 027 - 053
Unless The Lord Shall Build The House 096 - 142
Unto God I Lift My Voice ........................ 059 - 085
Unto My Earnest Prayer Give Ear .......... 046 - 071
Vindicate The Justice You Demand ....... 006 - X
Wait And Hope And Look For God ........ 030 - 054
When Israel Out Of Egypt Went ............. 086 - X
Where Shall I Go From Your Spirit ......... 105 - 152
Who Shall Dwell On Thy Holy Hill ......... 014 - 031
Why Do The Nations Make Plans In Vain? 002 - X
Wisdom Begins With The Fear of The Lord085-130
I Will Sing To The Eternal ..................... 116 - 003
Come Thou Almighty King ................... 115A - 010
Blest And Happy Is The Man ................. 001 - 023
Why Do The Nations Make Plans In Vain? 002 - X
Trust In God And Stand In Awe ............. 003 - 024
Give Ear Unto My Words, O Lord ........... 004 - 025
Turn, O God, And Save Me ................... 005 - 026
Vindicate The Justice You Demand ....... 006 - X
How Excellent Is Thy Name! .................. 007 - 027
Declare His Works To All Nations .......... 009 - 029
His Eyes Behold The Children Of Men .. 011 - X
Thy Word, Eternal, Is Truth Evermore ..... 012 - X
How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Lord? .. 013 - X
Who Shall Dwell On Thy Holy Hill ......... 014 - 031
Thee Will I Love, O Lord ........................ 117 - 033
The Heavens God's Glory Do Declare ... 016 - 036
The King Delights, Lord ........................ 015 - X
My God, My God ................................... 018 - X
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Koschat) ....... 019 - 038
The Lord's My Shepherd (bottom of pg) 115B - 039
The Lord's My Shepherd (Crimond) ........ 020 - 040
Mine Eyes Upon The Lord ..................... 023 - 049
Our God Is Good and Upright ................ 021 - 048
To Thee I Lift My Soul ........................... 022 - 047
In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust ............... 024 - X
They Are Blest Who Are Forgiven ........... 025 -051
Blessed Is The Nation God Is For .......... 026 - 052
Turn Thou From Evil .............................. 027 - 053
The Wicked Man .................................... 028 - X
Rest In The Lord .................................... 029 - X
Wait And Hope And Look For God ........ 030 - 054
Let Thy Chastening Be In Measure ........ 031 - 056
For It Is God Who Orders Life ................. 032 - X
Righteous Judge ........ .......................... 033 - 060
Awake, O Eternal! ................................. 035 - X
O God, We Have Heard ......................... 034 - 061
Come, See The Works Of God ............... 036 - 062
God Is Our Refuge (top half of page) .. 098A - 063
God Our Strength And Refuge Is ............ 037 - X
Mt. Zion Stands Most Beautiful ............. 038 - 066
Nations Give Ear, Both Low And High ... 039 - X
Give Thanks and Offer Praise ............... 040 - 067
In Thy Lovingkindness, Lord .................. 041 - 068
God Is Most Gracious, Kind And Good .. 042 - X
Fools Have Said That There Is No God . 043 - X
Save Me, O God, By Thy Great Name .... 044 - 070
But As For Me, I'll Call On God .......... ... 045 - 072
Unto My Earnest Prayer Give Ear .......... 046 - 071
O Pity Me, Be Gracious God .................. 047 - X
Return Again, O God ............................. 048 - X
Give Ear Unto My Prayer, O God ........... 049 - 075
God Is My Rock, My Salvation ............... 050 - 076
Joyfully Sing And Praise God! .............. 051 - 078
For Even From My Youth, O God ........... 052 - 080
O God, Forsake Me Not ......................... 053 - 079
Give Judgment To The King, O God ...... 055 - 081
Let All The Nations Hail Him King! ........ 054 - X
The Day And Night Are Thine ................ 056 - 082
Let Us Sing To God ............................... 057 - X
His Name Is Great! ................................. 058 - 084
Unto God I Lift My Voice ........................ 059 - 085
O Thou the Shepherd of Israel Art ......... 060 - 086
Thou Shepherd That Dost Israel Keep ... 061 - 088
Praise The Eternal With A Psalm! .......... 062 - 089
Sing Songs Of Praise To Him! ................ 063 -090
Rise And Judge, Eternal One! ................ 064 -091
How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings ............... 065 -092
O Lord Of Hosts, My King, My God! ....... 066 - 093
O Be Merciful To Me .............................. 067 - X
Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken .... 123 - 095
O Thou God Of My Salvation ................. 068 -096
How Long, Eternal, Hide Thou Away? .. 069 - 097
Thou Art Our God Forever ..................... 070 - X
How Good It Is To Thank The Lord ........ 071 - 098
O Come And Let Us Worship Him ........... 072 - 102
The Lord Eternal Reigns! ...................... 073 - 103
Sing Praises And Rejoice! ...................... 074 -106
Holy, MIghty Majesty! ............................. 075 - 108
Sing To The Lord With Cheerful Voice .. 076 - 111
I'll Sing Of Mercy And Justice ................ 077 - 115
He Shall Reign Forevermore! ................. 078 - X
Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul .........079 - 117
O Bless And Praise God! ....................... 080 - X
O Give Thanks And Praise The Eternal! 082 - 124
Remember Us, O Eternal ........................ 081 - X
O That Men Would Praise Their God! ..... 084 -128
Wisdom Begins With The Fear of The Lord085-130
When Israel Out Of Egypt Went ............. 086 - X
Praise Belongs To God! ......................... 088 -132
O Give Thanks Unto Our God ................ 089 - 133
For Thy Law Is Truth and Love .............. 091 - 138
I Hate The Thoughts Of Vanity ............... 092- X
Lord You Dealt Well With Me ................. 093 - X
O How Love I Thy Law! ......................... 090 - 136
In Distress I Cried Unto The Lord ........... 094 - 139
To The Hills I'll Lift Mine Eyes ............... 095 - 140
Unless The Lord Shall Build The House 096 - 142
Blest And Happy Is He .......................... 097 - 143
In His Word Have I Hope ........................ 099 - X
My Hope Is In His Word (bottom of page) 098 - 147
High On Zion's Holy Hill ........................ 100 - X
How Good And How Pleasant ............... NIP - 144
Praise God's Name! ............................... 101 - 146
His Mercy Never Fails ............................ 102 - 148
By The Waters Of Babylon ..................... 103 -149
Lord, I Will Praise Thee! ....................... .104 - 150
Where Shall I Go From Your Spirit ......... 105 - 152
Hear My Cry, Eternal One ...................... 106 - 154
To The Eternal I Will Cry ........................ 107 - X
Give Ear to My Prayer, O Lord ............... 108 - 155
Lord, Teach Me That I May Know ........... 110 - X
O Lord, Thou Art My God And King! ...... 109 - 157
Hallelujah! Praise God! ......................... 114 - 160
Praise Ye The Lord! .............................. 112 - 164
Praise You The Lord, The Almighty (4 v) 128 - 161
Blow The Horn, Let Zion Hear! .............. 118 - X
Behold, The Day Will Come .................. 119 - 194
Onward, Christian Soldiers! ................... 126 -208
Go Ye Therefore Into All the World ........ 120 - 220
God Speaks To Us ................................ 124 - 230
Not Many Wise Men Now Are Called ..... 121 - 237
If I Have Not Charity ............................... 122 - 242
Battle Hymn Of The Republic ................ 127 - 292
Ex. 15
Ex. 34:9-
Psalm 1
Psalm 2
Psalm 4
Psalm 5
Psalm 6
Psalm 7
Psalm 8
Psalm 9
Psalm 11
Psalm 12
Psalm 13
Psalm 15
Psalm 19
Psalm 21
Psalm 22
Psalm 23
Psalm 23
Psalm 23
Psalm 25
Psalm 25
Psalm 25
Psalm 31
Psalm 32
Psalm 33
Psalm 34
Psalm 36
Psalm 37
Psalm 37
Psalm 38
Psalm 39
Psalm 43
Psalm 44
Psalm 44
Psalm 46
Psalm 46
Psalm 46
Psalm 48
Psalm 49
Psalm 50
Psalm 51
Psalm 52
Psalm 53
Psalm 54
Psalm 55
Psalm 55
Psalm 57
Psalm 60
Psalm 61
Psalm 62
Psalm 66
Psalm 71
Psalm 71
Psalm 72
Psalm 72
Psalm 74
Psalm 75
Psalm 76
Psalm 77
Psalm 80
Psalm 80
Psalm 81
Psalm 81
Psalms 82-83
Psalm 84
Psalm 84
Psalm 86
Psalm 87:3-
Psalm 88
Psalm 89
Psalm 90
Psalm 92
Psalm 95
Psalm 97
Psalm 98
Psalm 99
Psalm 100
Psalm 101
Psalm 102
Psalm 103
Psalm 104
Psalm 105
Psalm 106
Psalm 107
Psalm 111
Psalm 114
Psalm 115
Psalm 118
Psalm 119
Psalm 119
Psalm 119
Psalm 119
Ps. 120-121
Psalm 121
Psalm 127
Psalm 128
Psalm 130
Psalm 130
Psalm 132
Psalm 133
Psalm 135
Psalm 136
Psalm 137
Psalm 138
Psalm 139
Psalm 141
Psalm 142
Psalm 143
Psalm 143
Psalm 145
Psalm 146
Psalm 148
Psalm 150
Joel 2
Zechariah 14
Matt. 16:18-
Mt. 28;Mk.16-
John 14
1 Cor. 1
1 Cor. 13
Rev. 19:6-
When I was holding the meetings in a one-room country schoolhouse eight miles west of Eugene, Oregon, in July and August, 1933, which resulted in the start of the Philadelphia era of the Church of God, a local 80-year-old Bible student refused to join in singing the hymns.
Having no hymnal of our own I was forced to use one of the somewhat thin paperback Protestant song books. The elderly Bible scholar said, "It is just as sinful to sing a lie as to tell one." I had to agree. For some time I had realized that many of the standard hymnals contained songs that were unscriptural.
It is, however, scriptural to sing hymns. Jesus sang hymns. After His last Passover, it is recorded, "And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives" (Matthew 26:30). I knew that the Psalms were, in fact, songs—or hymns. It was clear in my mind that God's people should sing God's inspired words, not man's uninspired and often unscriptural words. But the Bible has not preserved nor revealed to us the music. God has left it to us to compose the music.
This was very much on my mind. One day I heard my youngest brother, Dwight, play on the piano a piece he had composed. It was not four-part harmony, but was in the style of a four-part harmony hymn. I was intrigued. It had quality and character. I had known from the time my brother was a small child that he had a special musical talent. I immediately asked him to compose two or three hymns, setting words from the Psalms to music. It took some little time, but they were good.
When we moved to Pasadena to found Ambassador College, in 1947, I asked my brother to devote full time to setting the words of Psalms—and/or any other Scripture—to music in the four-part harmony style of hymns. For some little time the Church, then small, sang the first 12 or 15 hymns that had been composed. The Church grew, and so did the number of hymns sung with God's own inspired words.
When we were able to print our first Church of God hymnal, not yet having a sufficient number of our own new hymns we filled out our comparatively small hymnals with well-known Protestant hymns whose words were not non-scriptural—even having to change the words in a few instances. Gradually through the years succeeding editions of our hymnal have contained fewer and fewer of the old Protestant hymns, and more and more of those composed by my brother. For the past few years our congregations have been singing our own hymns almost entirely.
Now, at last, the time has come when we can omit the old Protestant hymns almost altogether, with more new hymns of our own added. We have retained two national hymns, and a few others whose words are proper, which we feel our congregations would want to sing occasionally.
It is, indeed, a happy achievement to have, at last, God's own hymnal for God's own Church. It is a happy event, also, that we now produce the hymnal with hard covers, and make them available to members to have in their own homes. I feel this is another milestone for God's Church.

(Continued from previous column)
Count Down Timer to next Holy Day
Blue Book Numbers (of Hymns with Piano): 3 10 15po 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 33 36 38 39 40 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 59 60 61 62 63 66 67 68 70 71 72 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 98 102 103 106 108 111 115 116 117 124 128 130 132 133 136 137 138 139 140 142 143 144 146 147 148 149 150 152 154 155 156 157 160 161 164 194 208 220 230 237 242 292
Copyright © 2011-2014 by COGTV − a service of the Church of God Ministry for Brethren scattered worldwide
with Lyrics in
....... Psalm 44
...... Rev. 19:6
........ Zech. 14
..... Psalm 103
....... Psalm 33
..... Psalm 128
......... Psalm 1
............ Joel 2
....... Psalm 55
..... Psalm 137
....... Ex. 34:9-
....... Psalm 46
......... Psalm 9
....... Psalm 53
....... Psalm 71
....... Psalm 39
..... Psalm 119
..... Psalm 143
....... Psalm 61
......... Psalm 5
....... Psalm 72
....... Psalm 50
... Psalm 87:3-
. Mt.28;Mk.16-
....... Psalm 52
....... Psalm 62
....... Psalm 46
....... Psalm 46
......... John 14
..... Psalm 146
..... Psalm 102
..... Psalm 141
..... Psalm 132
....... Psalm 11
..... Psalm 136
....... Psalm 76
....... Psalm 99
......... Psalm 8
..... Psalm 133
....... Psalm 92
....... Psalm 13
....... Psalm 89
....... Psalm 84
..... Psalm 119
............ Ex. 15
.........1 Cor. 13
...... Psalm 101
.. Ps. 120-121
...... Psalm 130
........ Psalm 31
....... Psalm 51
....... Psalm 66
....... Psalm 72
....... Psalm 38
....... Psalm 75
..... Psalm 119
..... Psalm 138
..... Psalm 143
....... Psalm 25
....... Psalm 48
....... Psalm 22
..... Psalm 130
....... Psalm 49
......... 1 Cor. 1
....... Psalm 86
..... Psalm 104
....... Psalm 95
..... Psalm 105
..... Psalm 118
....... Psalm 71
....... Psalm 44
..... Psalm 119
....... Psalm 84
..... Psalm 145
....... Psalm 57
.... Psalm 107
....... Psalm 88
....... Psalm 80
... Matt. 16:18-
....... Psalm 25
..... Psalm 115
..... Psalm 135
....... Psalm 81
..... Psalm 148
..... Psalm 150
Click a Selection to see Scrolling Lyrics with Piano Accompaniment